Big Sky Sports
Flagship outdoor gear specialty shop with a full line of the latest equipment, apparel and accessories.
The Exchange
Mountain Village
Big Sky Sports
Open Daily
8am - 7pm
Offering a full line of the latest on and off-mountain equipment, apparel, and accessories, Big Sky Sports has the gear you need when taking on Lone Peak no matter the season.
Winter gear:
- Ski jackets, snow pants, and snow boots
- Base layers, mid layers, and streetwear
- Skis, poles, and bindings
- Ski boot fitting services
- Helmets, goggles, gloves and mittens, and hand warmers
- Buffs, turtlenecks, sunglasses and hats
- Backpacks and water bottles
- Avalanche gear
Summer gear:
- Raincoats and jackets
- Base layers, mid layers, and hiking clothes
- Mountain biking clothes and shoes
- Sunglasses and hats
- Bike helmets, gloves, and clear goggles
- Backpacks and water bottles
- Hiking poles
- Disc golf discs and carriers