Sleigh Rides

Sleigh Rides

Sleigh Ride Image

The following recreational opportunity providers are not affiliated with or endorsed by Big Sky Resort. Big Sky Resort understands that the providers hold themselves out as offering certain recreational opportunities or other services in and around Big Sky, Montana. Big Sky Resort has no further knowledge about, has no control over, and makes no representations concerning the following providers.

Enjoy a winter horse-drawn sleigh ride and dinner with one of our local partners.

Lone Mountain Ranch | (406) 995-2782

The sleigh ride dinner at Lone Mountain Ranch has become legendary. Popular to both locals and travelers from far and wide, it is a magical experience for the entire family.

Montana Dinner Yurt | (406) 995-3880

Located at 7500 feet, the Montana Dinner Yurt offers breathtaking views of Lone Peak and the Spanish Peaks. Climb aboard a retrofitted snowcat for a fun 15-minute ride to our secret location. Enjoy a delicious 3-course meal with live music and sledding.