
Building Swift Current 6

Base Area Grading

Summer 2021

Over the course of the summer, lots of work has been done to regrade the loading space for the new chair, as well as the Mountain Village Learning Area. The new terminal is further uphill than the Swift Current quad terminal was, to allow the lift maze to be expanded on flat terrain, and more space for skiers to go around the bottom terminal. The grading project also creates a separate pod for the Learning Area, removing it from traffic coming down to the lift or Village plaza.

At the top terminal, regrading was done to build out the new 90-degree offloading ramp and to expand space for skiers traveling uphill of the terminal on the Duck Walk.

Lower Terminal Removed

May 2021

The lower terminal of the Swift Current 4 high-speed quad has been removed, as well as the lift's haul rope. The original Swift Current lift was installed in 1996 to replace Gondola II, the third high-speed quad to be installed on the mountain. The new lower terminal will be moving slightly uphill to allow for more space in the base area and better maze configuration.